# of watchers: 11
Fans: 0
| D20: 9 |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-12-02 [angelicdeath]: yes baby .... only cus i love u...
2006-12-02 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: good now put that thing away and i will hug you
2006-12-02 [angelicdeath]: *puts its away* its away baby
2006-12-02 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *hugs you*
2006-12-02 [angelicdeath]: *cuddles
2006-12-02 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: aww
2006-12-02 [angelicdeath]: *smiles and kisses u*
2006-12-02 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i love kisses and hugs
2006-12-02 [angelicdeath]: i know but only from me right
2006-12-02 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: you dont like to share huh
2006-12-02 [angelicdeath]: do u like to share
2006-12-02 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yes
2006-12-02 [angelicdeath]: oh...
2006-12-02 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yea
2006-12-02 [nevermonegone]: --Laughs at [angelicdeath]-- You got told. XD --Hugs Yasmin--
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *higs you back*
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: hes gay owell lol
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: I'm Gay, That's Right! RAWR! --Clings to Yasmin-- Haha.
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: thats ok *smiles* so yea just donthit on me pls
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: Pfft. I wouldn't hit on you.
1) You're not my... Well.. I have no Type but even if you WERE gay, I wouldn't hit on you.
2) You not worth it. Lawl!
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: thats mean but ok lol thanx i guess
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: It's not Mean, It's the Truth. o_O
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: ok you know what for 1) just because hes gay you dont have to remind him because he knows that and for 2) hes my friend so be nice to him
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: im being nice to him hes being mean to me i have no problem wat so ever with gay ppl they are really good friends of mine
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: I WASN'T Being mean. I was Setting things the way they are. Why would I hit on you? I Don't know you, and I already have a boyfriend. You were Assuming. "just dont hit on me pls" is ASSUMING I was going to hit on you. So therefore I'm not nor was I being mean.
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: i was being sarcastic i know u werent really being mean ok?
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: true dat
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: Lawl. Sarcasm doesn't sit well with me when people start off by saying "just dont hit on me pls"
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: its ok ont worry about it
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: ok ok im srry can we start again?
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: Lol. Fine.
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: hi im andrew nice to meet u
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: and i'm who cars every one knows me already
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: yes and i love u
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: so how is every one
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: good u
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: --Slow-- I'm Marshall. Rawr.. --Hugs Yasmin.. For like the 100th time--
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: rawr
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *hugs you back*
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: Wee =D
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i'm flying
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: Yay Flying
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: fun
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: =D
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *drinks red bull* hey wheres the wings at??
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: *sits down
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: Lol.
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: lol
2006-12-03 [nevermonegone]: ^^;;
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: *closes eyes
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *hugs you*
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: *holds you bak
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: hey hes my friend i can hug him if i want to
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: i thought u were hugging me
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh i'm sorry
2006-12-03 [DrakeA]: I don't think Marshall needs a hug.
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: we are friends so calm down killer
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: i am calm lol
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: not you him
2006-12-03 [angelicdeath]: oh ok
2006-12-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yup
2006-12-04 [angelicdeath]: rawr
2006-12-04 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: meows
2006-12-04 [angelicdeath]: *nuzzles urneck*
2006-12-04 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: purrs
2006-12-04 [angelicdeath]: *nibbles alil
2006-12-04 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: kool
2006-12-04 [angelicdeath]: lol
2006-12-04 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: ok
2006-12-07 [bad boy69]: your so hot baby
2006-12-07 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i know i am and i am still adding pictures
2006-12-10 [BLOOD THIRSTY PSYCHO]: dame u never tolled me ur pozable
2006-12-10 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i am
2006-12-12 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: ha ha im EVIL
2006-12-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yay for being evil
2006-12-12 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: yuppers he he
2006-12-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: your sweet *hugs you*
2006-12-12 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: i know *hugs and kisses
2006-12-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *blushes*
2006-12-12 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: he he
2006-12-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: meow
2006-12-12 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: k
2006-12-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: purr??
2006-12-13 [angelicdeath]: baby i love you
2006-12-13 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *rolls eyes*
2006-12-13 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: i know u love me i love u to
2006-12-13 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: aww your so sweet
2006-12-14 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: love u lots hun
2006-12-14 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: aww love you lots to hun
2006-12-15 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: me 2 me 2
2006-12-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yay we all love each other
2006-12-15 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: well that is obvious
2006-12-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yea true dat
2006-12-15 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: he he
2006-12-15 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: so what u up to
2006-12-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: nada u cutie
2006-12-15 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: ya i know im hot
2006-12-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yay *hugs you*
2006-12-15 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: sorry im taken now
2006-12-16 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: and your point is
2006-12-16 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: i dont know
2006-12-17 [angelicdeath]: ur also taken hun
2006-12-17 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: and your point is
2006-12-18 [angelicdeath]: ur taken lol
2006-12-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: and your point is
2006-12-18 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: and ur point is
2006-12-18 [angelicdeath]: fuck it
2006-12-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: fuck what
2006-12-19 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: me right here
2006-12-19 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh i see ok then
2006-12-19 [angelicdeath]: uh no shes not going to fuck u my friend thats ur gfs job and plus shes mine
2006-12-20 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: we are not even dating yet we never went back out
2006-12-20 [angelicdeath]: ok w/e idc im done
2006-12-20 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: ok i gess
2006-12-20 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: you know what you could just asked me back out instead of saying what you just did now you lost f\me for good
2006-12-20 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: ok ok i did not mean to do that to u to so um..um... i dont know
2006-12-20 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: no not you the other guy
2007-01-04 [James T.]: very nice pis very hot
2007-01-04 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: thnx
2007-01-05 [DrakeA]: Oh lordy lordy, lordtastic lord. *shakes head in utter dissapointment
2007-01-05 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i am bored now
2007-01-05 [James T.]: do u have 2 new pics on here just wondering
2007-01-05 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: no i do not
2007-01-07 [Cloud Natiion]: tehe you look stoned in some of them
2007-01-07 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yea i do
2007-01-09 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: so did u have fun on new years
2007-01-10 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yea and you
2007-01-10 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: no not rilly just played my play stashon sents i still on tethor
2007-01-10 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh i see
2007-01-11 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: ya its pritty gay
2007-01-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i see
2007-01-11 [nevermonegone]: Gay? You mean Stupid? >>;;
2007-01-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: are you ok not you him demon crip baby
2007-01-11 [nevermonegone]: Lol. Using the form "That's gay" Is acutally an offensive Statement to the Gay community. Unless the Gay person Uses it, which I do not.
2007-01-11 [DeeJay™]: why should it be ok for someone of the gay community to say 'thats gay' and not anyone else?
2007-01-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: dont ask me ask him
2007-01-11 [nevermonegone]: You didn't understand... For a Gay person saying "That's Gay" And another person saying "That's gay" that particular gay person IS NOT OFFENDED. But for someone like me of the Gay community who DOESN'T say "That's Gay" We take it into offense
2007-01-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i understand
2007-01-12 [nevermonegone]: Lol.
2007-01-12 [DeeJay™]: aaah, my bad :)
the joys of written text, huh?
2007-01-12 [nevermonegone]: Mhmm
2007-01-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yes
2007-01-12 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: well then thats dumb and for eney one that i offened im sorry ok i dident know it was that big of a deal
2007-01-12 [nevermonegone]: IT's the same thing as saying "that's retarded" around a special ed person.
2007-01-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: you can not say special ed i was in special ed when i was in school and i never use that
2007-01-12 [nevermonegone]: Special Ed is a proper term. I can Use if as I wish. =\ And I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to be called retarded, Mentally Challanged, Mentally Handicapped and so on.
2007-01-12 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: u can call me it if u want to i am use to it
2007-01-13 [nevermonegone]: No. Special Ed is the Proper term. There for I will use the proper term
2007-01-13 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i know i was just playin friend
2007-01-13 [nevermonegone]: .>;;
2007-01-13 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: we cool
2007-01-13 [nevermonegone]: I guess?
2007-01-13 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: so wad up
2007-01-13 [nevermonegone]: Nothing, Just listening to the Screaming Rainbow
2007-01-13 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh i see
2007-01-14 [nevermonegone]: Heh
2007-01-14 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: meow
2007-01-14 [nevermonegone]: Lol.
2007-01-14 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh ok kool
2007-01-14 [nevermonegone]: Heh
2007-01-14 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh no's some one stole my outfit lol
2007-01-16 [s*k*y]: so sexyyyy
2007-01-16 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: not really cause there is gunna be a delay in my new pics
2007-03-06 [Dreamdemon**]: what is the delay all about.
2007-03-06 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: there is no delay
2007-03-14 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: word up
2007-03-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i know kool huh
2007-03-19 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: aloweys
2007-03-19 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: so wazzsup
2007-03-22 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: not shit just getting back froum lockup n u
2007-03-22 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: missing you
2007-04-17 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: y do u miss me is it cus u want my body
2007-04-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh yea i just want your body lol
2007-05-01 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: i knew it
2007-05-01 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i was kidding about that
2007-05-07 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: i know so was i
2007-05-07 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: kool
2007-05-07 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: ok then
2007-05-07 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yes i am weird
2007-05-08 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: yes so am I
2007-05-08 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: kool
2007-05-09 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: YUPPERS
2007-05-09 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: WoW i am so BAKED right now
2007-05-09 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: kool
2007-05-10 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: so what u doing
2007-05-10 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: not much and you
2007-05-11 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: just being pissed of at school
2007-05-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i see
2007-05-11 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: yup
2007-05-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: kool
2007-05-11 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: so u havin fun
2007-05-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: kool
2007-05-11 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: whats ur probled
2007-05-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: my what
2007-05-11 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: problem
2007-05-11 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: why
2007-05-14 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i like sayin kool
2007-05-15 [~My RazorBlade Love~]: ok sorry
2007-05-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: its ok
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